Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Over Under Around and Through

There was an old song written and sung by a man named Gary Paxton and the words declared that "there's gotta be more to livin' than people just waiting to die" How true. As a pastor/minister when a thought hits for an encouraging word I try to keep a notebook nearby so I can write things down and maybe let that thought develop into a sermon; (just for the record it never works out as well as I would like). I wrote something down the other day that has sort of stuck with me. Here goes.

There has got to be more to my life and the way I live than the dreams I have for the future, and the achievements or regrets I have from the past; what about today?

The Bible says that Jesus is an ever present help in a time of trouble. It also says that if I will seek Him I will find Him, as a matter of fact there is a reward for seeking Him. He will never leave me or forsake me, He is with me until the end. All of these passages refer to my today situations. I have often wondered why as Christians we always mention God in relation to trial or trouble and for a long time I did not have a good answer, but then I realized that when things are going really well for us Jesus is often the last thing on our minds. But when we do face difficulty we can turn to Him and He is always there.

Don't get stuck spinning your wheels between yesterday and tomorrow, do something that matters today. Something that matters to someone who could never pay you back, something that might affect someone else's eternity. James tells us that pure religion and undefiled before the Father is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep ourselves unspotted by the world. Do something out of the ordinary.  Today begins when you tie your shoes, and head out the door. 

Over, under, around, and through, this how we tie our shoe.


  1. Wow..I remember that album! Haven't seen it so long. When I was little the back of this album scared me. His boots has glasses, hat and beard. Kind of freaked me out! =)

  2. This is true. Saturday, the girls and I went to Art in Park with Magally (it is almost 2 yrs since her husband passed on). I had no idea what this would mean to her - she truly enjoyed going out and "getting" out. While we were there she noticed as sign that said: "write your troubles in the sand and you blessings in stone" I like that.

  3. I nominated you for a Liebster check it out!
