Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alrightnowyoutellme (3)

I know it is another snake, I do not mind snakes that much, as long as they are on the road and I can run if I feel threatened. I took this photo in Wisconsin. It seems to have a smaller head than what you might expect I am guessing that this snake was well over two feet long. The photo was taken a couple of years ago but I am sure that they are still around. Here is a clue to help you name the snake; "he seems rather sly".

 Alrightnowyoutellme a couple of things that you have found out about this sssssnake.

Maybe you can find some info here...or not.


    I think it might be the bull snake. it is up to 74 in. long and it is the largest snake in the upper mid-west.

  2. If it is sly, then it must be a fox snake. Actually, they also call this snake a rat snake. This particular snake is a Western Fox Snake they do live in WI. They like forests, prairie and farm land.
