Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Glacial Plain "Nessie"

Here is a photo that I took on the Wisconsin River in Portage County, just west of the interstate. I was at a boat landing under the new Hwy. 10 overpass when I saw what I thought was a piece of shredded rubber from a tire. But it just didn't look right so I started walking over to get a better look, the closer I got the funnier it looked. I was not in my "stealthy, sneak up on something" mode so I was just walking normally, when what I thought was rubber began to move.

It all happened very fast, it moved slightly at first and then bolted toward the water. My camera was in my hand so I started snapping pictures. I am guessing that the snake was about 3 ft maybe. At that moment I was not sure what it was. After I got home and cropped the picture It was plain to see that It was a snake. I am still not certain what kind of snake it is. Perhaps the Wisconsin River has it's own "Nessie".

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is really interesting! It almost looks like it could be some sort of lizard...are you sure it was a snake? I love the Wisconsin River... have you ever read A Sand County Almanac? You would love it.
