Friday, December 16, 2011

So Why Am I Afraid?

A little scary
Not everyone loves Ronald
There are a million reasons for a person to be afraid. Without the proper perspective and frame of mind a person can find a reason to fear in almost any arena of life. Some people fear clowns (coulrophobia); they are afraid of the unknown. Why do they have such big pockets, and what is inside? Why do they wear so much make-up; why is their nose so big? Why are they so happy?

Fear can grip us to the point that we become paralyzed; afraid to move ahead, afraid to stand still and afraid to go back to what we have always done. Fear is irrational. Fear is never your friend. Fear will keep us locked up in a house of loneliness. I read a book at a time in my life when fear had a strangle hold on my daily thoughts; I know a little of fear.

The following is from a book by Jenetzen Franklin;
40% of the things we worry about never happen.
30% of the things we worry about are in the past and can't be helped.
12% of our worries concern the troubles of others, and we have no part in them.
10% of our worries concern illness, real or imagined that may or may not have happened.
8% (Only 8%) of the things that we worry about are things that might really happen.

The words fear not, or be not afraid, occur over 360 times in the Bible, that is enough don't be afraid's for each day of the year. When we frame plan and view our lives through the lens of God's word and His promises for and to us we find far fewer things to fear. Trust God with your concerns and don't allow them to become fears that paralyze you.

Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid. Isaiah 12:2

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