Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Really Fine...Beer

Yes this month we are celebrating Root Beer with a recipe from our Peanuts cook book. If you simply follow the recipe you could be basking in the glow of a warm summer afternoon, and refreshing yourself with a fancy glass of root beer that has an exotic little cherry that has the potential to make you feel like one of the rich and famous. Oh snap!

I remember the rather short summers with the long afternoons; I never had a video game system like my kids; not even a Vic-20. Remember those old Commodore Vic-20, and C64 computers that had the game cartridges to play games or else you had to have the little cassette player to load a game and if you had all day you could program the computer by keyboard in C64 basic language? The C64 had the fancy disk drive with floppy disk that allowed you to load games with fancy graphics like Tank or Pong.

I got all of that cool stuff for my kids, They were spoiled!!!
( I walked to school uphill get the picture)

My preferred choices of summertime fun were the swimming pool, climbing a tree, going fishing, or riding a bike. Pretty simple lifestyle really. Oh, and lets not forget, I never had a care in the world; my parents did all the worrying for me, I had wonderful dad, and have precious mother. Truly a wonderful childhood.

But a recipe like this could have made the good old days even better. Give it a try. After all Snoopy dreamed about it.

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