Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Whatsthis? (reveal) Zebra Head

Okay fine that was too simple. Just wait till next time. I am going to terrorize your imaginative resources...you'll see. BWAHAHA.You will never get me. (ahem, sorry I got carried away).

We saw this fella at a drive through wildlife safari park near Springfield MO. Our windows got a little slobbery but it was fun; Mary was afraid.

There used to be a song that we used to sing that went like this;
"Hey there mister what do you see?"
"I see a horse in it's pajamas."
"No that's not what it is at all, that's an animal people call a zebra."
"I see, but it still looks like a horse in it's pajamas to me."


  1. Mom was afraid of a big stripy horse? Or were there other animials? Sounds like fun!!
