Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alrightnowyoutellme (8 reveal) The Muskrat

 Yes it is a Muskrat. The other guesses were good guesses; even the duck and platypus, both are water lovers. He is not really a true rat, but he is a rodent, he gets the name musk because of the scent glands that he uses to mark his territory with a "musky", rather smelly odor. Muskrats through history have played a vital role as food, and the fur is said to be warm. Indians and settlers used the muskrat pelt/fur for trading so that they would be able to purchase things.

The muskrat has a near relative that is larger and is an expert engineer; do you know who it is?

Muskrats love plants that grow in the water like reeds and cattails. They will also eat clams, crayfish and frogs, (no thank you I will have a salad); they will even eat dead fish. Muskrats are nocturnal, which means that they are most active at night,.

Here is a picture taken at the same pond but on a different day...maybe it is a mom or dad.

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