Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You Are Here

When our kids were small we would take day-trips in our car and explore exotic places like Green Bay or Tomah. Once in awhile we would consult a map at a wayside or a gas station. To make things easier for the wayward traveler the wayside or gas station would mark the map with words and an arrow that said..."You Are Here". Which was a good thing because it gave you an opportunity to see the big picture; "wow I am quite far from where I started."

I live near a small city called MosineeThe nice thing about Mosinee is that it has an airport, not a big one, but it does afford me the luxury of going anyplace in the world by air travel. Or if I prefer I can hop in my car and travel anyplace I want as long as I don't need to cross a large body of water, like an ocean. I am pretty certain that I could go to a gas station in Mosinee and find a map that says, "you are here." So it goes, anytime anyone wants to move ahead in their life they must start "here".

I have often wished that I could be somewhere else, at least for a while. I would love to visit Christchurch New Zealand some day, and if I ever do travel there, I will need to start, to get there. Any steps to fulfilling a dream, I wish I had more talent, was younger looking, had more money, did not have such a reputation for being...and our lists go on. If you want to move on with the rest of your life you must, regardless of your situation. You cannot go 15 years back in time, you cannot change past mistakes or change the consequences of your present situations; you must

I am not speaking of a geographical change of locations but rather a change in the ruts that you may find yourself in. Dream a little, pray big prayers, and step out into the unknown of your life you have played it safe too long; (I am speaking to myself right now).

"You must begin wherever you are"
Jack Boland...clergyman

"You are here and loitering is no longer allowed"

Pack up your talents and gifts and head off into the wild unknown where only the courageous thrive.
(me again)

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