Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alrightnowyoutellme 4

A photo from a trip through Oklahoma

Alrightnowyoutellme. This is a bug that we saw in Oklahoma. We have them here in Wisconsin but this one was quite large and very noisy. I remember hearing them when I was a kid walking to the swimming pool, and for some reason I thought it was the buzz of the power lines. What can you tell me about this little fella? I can tell you that he spends up to 17 years underground before he sees the light of day.

A photo taken in our front yard


  1. It is a cicada. I have always heard them, but never seen one.

  2. This is Ethan:
    I read this in my Nature Reader. A cicada lives under the ground for 17 years, so that is what I think it is.
