Tuesday, September 14, 2010

State Birds the American Robin

The American Robin is not only the state bird for our own state of Wisconsin, but is also state bird for the states of Connecticut and Michigan. The Robin is found throughout all of North America at some time during the year.  From some of the farthest northern reaches of Alaska and Canada to places where they winter in in the south and into Mexico. They are attracted to open lawns, golf courses and gardens, with shrubbery and trees looking for worms, bugs, and berries.

The oldest recorded Robin lifespan was 13 years and 11 months; (thats pretty old for a bird, he was a teenager). The Robin's song is a whistle sounding "tuk, tuk tuk" or a happy "cheeryup, cheeryup." This photo was taken on the Mississippi River at Goose Island Park, south of LaCrosse, WI.

For other interesting facts about the American Robin, check out this website at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.


  1. This is a great start to our binder. Caleb is learning all of the state birds and the Robin is the first of the 25. Each week we will learn a new bird, put together a page with a picture of it, and learn some interesting facts about what makes it special. By the end of the 25 weeks we should have a pretty cool binder. Next week we are learning about the Mocking Bird. Got any good pictures of the Mocking Bird?

  2. Christal, that sounds like a great homeschool project! When you get on the "DickyBird" let me know...
