Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Jello Fish

The Blob fish is a type of fish found off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. The reason the Blob fish is so rare is that they live very deep down in the sea, literally just off of the sea bed. The Blob fish are found at a depth of around 800 meters which would make life impossible for most fish. 800 meters? That is like 1/2 mile under the surface of the water. Isn't he cute with that little bit of drool falling out of his lip. I thought I had a big nose.

As the Blob fish is comprised of a gelatinous substance they actually have no muscles at all and they just float in the same spot most of the time waiting for their next meal. Scientific research has explained that the main diet of the Blob fish is that of sea urchins and mollusks. The Blob fish will literally float in place waiting for a meal to come by with little or no effort exerted in hunting prey, this leads to  in-frequent meals which works fine for the Blob fish as sustenance isn’t needed in a large level as the Blob fish devotes almost of its time to floating stationary, its because of this behavior that the Blob fish has been branded ‘lazy’

I wonder if this is the earths ugliest creature...you tell me. 

Read more: http://www.itsnature.org/sea/fish/blob-fish/#ixzz10rE3cbBN


  1. Ewww..... That poor guy is UH-GA-LY!
    Ethan, Silas and I checked out the link and then clicked on another link on that page and found some more ugly sea creatures. Wow... some are down right scary.. like out of nightmares or freaky movies. Have you seen the Frilled Shark?? or the Giant Isopod?? YIKES!

  2. Hi Frank ... If you are classifying by texture; I think you probably have the right creature. I'm willing to bet he would feel in your hand about like oysters do in your mouth. I did find a creature that may be uglier; or as ugly.

