Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God Is Not Very Good At This Game

Have you ever played hide and seek with a little kid? "Okay now I am going to count to 10, and you go hide; okay?" I begin to count and the child runs off to hide; "7-8-9-10, ready or not here I come". I look in the bathtub, inside the closet, and under the bed; (I know where they are but it is fun to build up the excitement), where could he be? Then he jumps out and says here I am. "No wait you are supposed to stay hidden until I find you; got it"?

So we try again; "7-8-9-10, ready or not here I come". when I get to the part where I say I wonder where he is, he jumps out again; "here I am grandpa". Well it's time to play something else.

God plays that game the same way a child does. It is not His plan for us to be wandering, and wondering where He is. Where is Jesus? If we pay attention He will show us. Here "I Am". Jeremiah wrote a passage in the Bible that promised that if we seek God, we will find Him. When we really try to find Him, we will. When we search for Him with all of our heart, we will find Him.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

There is no way for us to know how, where, or when we will find Him, but we will; it is a promise. God can't lie; we do, but not Him. There are also no conditions to this promise other than seeking Him with all of our heart. You could be a addict, or any other type of broken and flawed person, and He will show up. Jesus does not love dogma, philosophy, or religious organizations. He loves faith and the people who respond to Him in faith. He loves broken people with broken hearts; He will never turn away from them. 

The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise.

So let this be your prayer; "ready or not here I come...where are you Jesus?"

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